
Since the company was founded in 2022 in Indonesia, PT. Guna Budi Lancar started this business by providing services in the field of engineering design. Armed with expertise and dedication in the field of professional design, we believe we can provide assistance to large companies such as automotive companies, mold makers, and so on. Since the beginning of 2022, we have developed our business in the field of procuring goods for industrial needs. And more specifically related to Mold & Die and Injection Plastic Manufacturers.

PT. GUNA BUDI LANCAR maintains an order delivery success ratio of 99.96%, so customers have full confidence knowing that every product ordered will be delivered on time. This achievement brings strong market growth to PT. GUNA BUDI LANCAR.


With customer Satisfactory as our top priority, our mission is to provide high quality (Quality), and fast and reliable delivery times (Time). With a commitment to achieving our mission, we are confident that we are the solution for the future

Flash Delivery:

A fast delivery service for Goods you order will be delivered immediately on the same day as the order date.

Our MISSION is to provide time-based valued to customers by achieving reliable and QUICK DELIVERY


we save customers valuable time by lessening the burden related to procurement, such as product concept development and design work.
GBL QT Model, which aims to deliver high quality (Q) And with reliably quick delivery times (T), to serve our customers.
This is GBL’s value proposition of “Time Strategy”.
GBL is always ready to meet the needs and provide better services

Our Certifications

Finished Goods

Take a look at some of the finished goods manufactured from our latest fabrication projects.

Our Customers


+62 8111 949 709


Jl. Amir Hamzah Kp.Rawa
Bangkong No.88, RT.02/RW.06 Ds.
SertaJaya Kec.Cikarang Timur ,
Kab.Bekasi 17530
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